torsdag den 7. april 2011


(Fredag den 8. april)

I skal i dag gennemgå følgende emner (se film) og lave tilhørende opgaver på samme link som adjektiver/adverbier. Opgaverne er blandede.


Somebody, anybody, somone etc. 

genitiv (ejefald)


Stort begyndelsesbogstav

De utællelige substantiver (navneord)

Skriv i en kommentar til dette indlæg, hvordan det er gået med at arbejde med de nye grammatiske emner.

Rigtig god arbejdslyst og god weekend. 

2 kommentarer:

  1. Thanks for a good lesson. I'm done. There was some few mistakes but it was not so bad at all. The lesson was funny and a bit hardere than last time (I meen) but it was funny and I did it.

    For the thirt time I say hello and will end the commantary with my name.

    This commantary was writing by J. B. Warnsdorf the author of the future. (I hope)

  2. @ Author of the Future: I'm glad you enjoyed the lesson :-)
